Perfect for just about any inshore species. From Snook, Speckled Trout, Tarpon and Cobia in the gulf and Calico Bass on the west coast Inshore Proteus rods have all the right actions. Built with high modulus carbon graphite with Daiwa’s exclusive High Volume Fiber (HVF) low-resin design to make them strong and light weight.QUALITY COMPONENTSFuji® Alconite ring guides with K-shape Tangle Free frames.HIGH MODULUS CARBON GRAPHITE TECHNOLOGYPacks high modulus carbon graphite fiber into a denser form, with exact resin control for greater strength, lighter weight and incredible sensitivity.PROTEUS® INSHORE RODS FEATURES:
Made with High Modulus carbon graphite with Daiwa Exclusive HVF (high Volume Fiber) low-resin material
Hybrid material handle (Cork+EVA) with Laser Etching logo
Fuji® Alconite ring guides with K-shape tangle free frames
Fuji® genuine reel seats
Limited Lifetime Warranty